You can order by phone at 800-421-4234 between 8:00am-5:00pm (Mountain Time) Monday - Friday. Please have your order and credit card number ready when you call. You can fax your order to 970-356-1267 anytime and someone will get back with you.
The brown midrib trait (BMR) is a visual marker for a genetic trait, which causes the plant to accumulate less lignin. Since lignin is almost totally indigestable and blocks the digestibility of other nutrients, less lignin means improved palatability and digestibility. These characteristics increase feed efficiency and improve animal performance. The BMR trait has shown improved feed quality and maintained yield potential when compared to standard genetics.
Independent research has proven that BMR hybrids have noticeably better digestibility than forages with standard genetics when immature, and huge advantages in digestibility when very mature. This can be the difference between an acceptable hay product and poor quality hay when harvest cannot occur during optimum conditions because of weather or other factors.
Certified seed guarantees the end-user that the variety he purchase is indeed the variety he requested.
Certified seed is derived through a stringent state-specific process. Breeder seed is planted first and the resulting seed crop is foundation seed. When the foundation seed is planted, the resulting seed crop is registered seed. Registered seed becomes certified seed and certified seed becomes common seed. Some varieties of seed don't have all classes available to them and may require foundation seed to make certified seed. During each of these plantings, the individual state seed growers association are involved in verifying the plantings of each specific variety of seed.
Certified seed is also run through a strict quality control process that guarantees that the end-user is planting the highest quality seed available. Certified seed can contain little to no "other crop seed" or "weed seed". Each individual state has their own set of regulations for quality standards for each variety of seed. Some varieties of seed can only be sold in the marketplace as certified and growers are subject to legal issues if selling such varieties without proper certification in place. The "blue" tag attached to each bag of certified seed quickly identifies it as certified seed. Certified seed can be sold in bags or bulk quantities with the appropriate paperwork.
Planting certified seed helps guarantee the end-user that he or she is planting the best seed available on the market.
The world's first alfalfa hybrid was introduced to the market in 2001 by Dairyland Seed Co. and represented the first significant advancement in alfalfa genetics in 20 years. In June 2009, the second generation of hybrid alfalfas, HybriForce-2400, was released. This second- generation hybrid alfalfa not only increases forage yield by an additional 5 percent over the first generation hybrid, it has also shown increased uniformity and consistency in various soil types, climates and harvesting systems.
Buffalo Brand Seed suggest a rate of 15-18 bulk lbs. per acre for a new seeding of alfalfa in an irrigated field. We have many different alfalfa varieties that will work for your irrigated field.
With municipalities and cities continuing to increase their use of reclaimed water, salt levels in irrigation water will continue to rise.
Buffalo Brand Seed is proud to sell Clubhouse CPQ+ ST Perennial Ryegrass Blend. This highly-attractive, quick-germinating perennial ryegrass blend possesses wonderful salt tolerance while still maintaining its overall turf-like appearance, When used as a monoculture (planted alone), or in a mix of either turf-type species (i.e. Ky Bluegrass, Fine Fescues and Tall Fescues), Clubhouse is a great choice for those areas where reclaimed water is used for irrigation.
Buffalo Brand Seed makes thousands of custom mixes each year because custom mixing is our specialty!
Buffalo Brand Seed can help you build a custom mix to meet your requirements. We can mix to exact specifications from your job site, engineer or HOA. Our custom mixes are tagged with exacting quality data to match your rigorous specifications. Custom Mix bag sizes are limited only to your imagination. Let us help you by bagging by the acre, or by the job size.
Put Buffalo Brand Seed's custom mix expertise and our industry leading custom mix response time to work for you today. Contact us at 800-421-4234 or email
Pure Live Seed (PLS) is a measure used by the native seed industry to describe the percentage of a quantity of seed that will germinate. PLS is obtained by multiplying the purity percentage by the germination percentage. PLS is a way to standardize the quality of a native grass seed so that the purchaser can compare the quality and value of different seed lots. Consider the following example:
Lot A Cost Per Pound (Bulk) $1.00, % Purity 75 , % Germination 60, % PLS 45 Lot B Cost Per Pound (Bulk) $1.50, % Purity 95, % Germination 80, % PLS 76 At first glance, Lot A might appear to be a better buy because it only cost $1.00 per pound, whereas Lot B cost $1.50. However, the quality of Lot A is poorer than Lot B. In order to compare the value, one must calculate the cost per PLS pound. PLS is obtained by dividing the bulk cost by the % PLS:
PLS Cost = Bulk Cost x 100 / %PLS In the example, the cost of Lot A is $2.22 per PLS pound while the cost of Lot B is only $1.97 per PLS pound. Therefore, Lot B is a better value. Furthermore since Lot B has a highter PLS percentage, it is not necessary to plant as much material as would be required if you were using lot A, and therefore may result in lower labor cost.
While PLS is a great way to determine the best seed value, please understand that it is not always necessary to use PLS for your seed purchases. Seeds such as, small grains, turf grasses, and some annual forages have such similar quality data that PLS may not be a useful tool for determining your best value. However to get full value for money spent on native seed, Buffalo Brand Seed recommends that you order native seed based on PLS.