Buffalo Brand Native Turf Mix


This mixture represents our native shortgrass prairie. These native grasses are low maintenance due to low water requirements, low amounts of supplemental fertilization, and require infrequent mowing. Sharp’s Improved Prime Buffalograss is selected for the variety’s hybrid vigor and its wide geographical adaptation. Blue Grama adds a slightly deeper cast to the very light green color of the Buffalograss. Blue Grama is more adapted to sandy soils than pure Buffalograss. Native turf turns straw-colored after the first frost in the fall and greens up with warmer weather in the late spring. Not recommended for elevations over 6000 ft. this mix displays excellent cold, heat, and drought tolerance. It is not salt or shade-tolerant.

75% Buffalograss, Sharp’s Improved II w/ KNO3

25% Blue Grama, Native

2025 Buffalo Brand Native Turf Mix


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Seedling Rate

2-3 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.


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